Getting ready
for the international Women’s Day 2022 –
“Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”
During the last days Ni Hekima Pekee has been preparing the International Women’s Day events. We will organize an event on Sahwa’s School on Thursday 3rd of March 2022 with the students. Also, Ni Hekima Pekee in going to participate the regional level International Women’s Day’s event in the Mwanza City on the 8th of March 2022.
3rd of March 2022: School Level Event on Sahwa’s School:
We have been visiting the Sahwa’s school and told the girls why the International Women’s Day is celebrated, why it is important and why the girls should be proud of being a girl. We told them that The International Women’s Day’s idea is for example to make visible all the difficulties that girls face in their everyday lives all around the world. We encouraged the girls and gave them a message that they all are equal, and they should follow their dreams even though they are girls.
Ni Hekima Pekee will be organizing an event in the Sahwa School with the girls. In the event, we are planning different presentations. There will be 17 girls who are participating on different presentations. 12 girls are going to make an act, 2 girls are going to plan and read a poem and 3 girls are going to do a “girls takeover”. The girls will be acting as a president, vice president and a prime minister of Tanzania. The girls will be telling the responsibly of being in these positions as a woman. The girls will be also rewarded for their performances. This has been supported by the water park Tropiclandia in Finland and social work trainees/volunteers; Sonja Ohra-aho and Fanni Suomi. In addition, in the school event there will be various professionals. The theme of the day is sexual violence.
8th March 2022: Regional Level Event:
What else we have been doing during the last days in Ni Hekima Pekee? Budgeting has been playing a big role organizing the bigger regional Women’s Day event which is going to be on the 8th of March. We’ll create a big posture to represent the message about this year theme. 2022 the International Women’s Day’s theme is going to be “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. Also, this year we will specialize on sexual violence so this theme will be also added to the posture. The budgeting also includes transport, lunch, allowance, brochures, T-shirts for the girls and stuff and participation fee. 20 girls from Sahwa’s school will be a part of the event. The participation the Sahwa’s school in the event is mostly funded by the Finnish organization Global Social Work (Globaali Sosiaalityö ry). Part of the event will be funded by Ni Hekima Pekee.
Ni Hekima Pekee’s vision is a society where rights of children and women are met and their voices are heard locally and globally. The mission is to empower, promote and protect right of children and women on accessibility of basic needs and amplifying their voices at national level and international dome. We can’t underline enough how important the day will be for the girls. We hope that after the event, the girls understand the idea that they are important and equal. The aim of the event is to make even small affects for the girls’ minds that they are strong, powerful and important. We will write more about the events to the blog later. We are looking forward to see what the event will bring!
Sonja Ohra-aho & Fanni Suomi